Commodore's Letter 2022/23
Published 10:36 on 2 Jan 2023
Dear Members
I would like to take this opportunity, both personally and on behalf of our officers and committee, to wish you and your families a very happy, healthy and successful New Year.
At the AGM we looked back over the past year and now we can look forward, for the first time since Covid, to a year full of sailing and social activities. Let's write the next, great, AGM reports now by getting moving on creating for ourselves a full sailing programme with lots of dinghy and yacht races, regatta, youth events and of course the solo open event to name but a few!
Social events were also great last year and, although there ain't an Aussie sailing team in sight, I am sure we can come up with some creative fun between us give us your ideas!
Yes, those wretched covid years have cost us plenty, and the upkeep of some ageing facilities (not the flag officers!) will be a financial challenge for us this coming year. Your management committee are well aware of this and are looking at ways of increasing our income whilst reducing costs. This means that we may need to look differently at how we do some things, whilst still keeping the special and treasured feeling of our long-standing club. With good management I am sure we will weather the current economic downturn, but please remember that TMSC is a members' club and each and every member has a valuable part to play by helping, volunteering, organising or even just bringing your ideas to us. This is your club and I know we can rely on you to help us, particularly in some imaginative fund raising over 2023.
Above all, I want us to approach this new year with confidence and whole hearted enthusiasm for our sport and the success of the club, and I look forward to seeing you in the club in the months ahead. You will be particularly welcome at Commodore's Drinks next Sunday, 8th January at 1.00 pm. See you there!
Very Best Wishes
Dee Casey Brown
Last updated 18:44 on 18 January 2024